Book Review for Tidewater by Libbie Hawker

Book Review for Tidewater by Libbie Hawker

I read this book a few months ago but I so thoroughly enjoyed it, I want to post my review here. This is a must read, for sure!

Libbie Hawker is now one of my most favorite authors.

Review for Tidewater


Libbie Hawker

This haunting tale of the life of Pocahontas will stay with you for a long time to come.

Tidewater is skillfully written and expertly researched. Hawker is a master at gently weaving beautiful prose into an elaborate, sweeping tapestry of a compelling story. You, as the reader, are transported to 17th century Virginia and you get to immerse yourself into the rich, bold lives of Pocahontas and her family and the hard choices that she ultimately has to make.

Libbie Hawker is one of those writers that can capture you from the first few words of a book and hold your attention and loyalty until the end…then you desperately go looking for her next book to read. Her prose is so lyrical and poetic, her words almost read themselves, giving you bright, deep worlds that you luxuriate to live in for a while.

I highly recommend this book to anyone that loves an exceptional story. Especially a story with a strong female character.

Here is a link to her website:

Here’s where to buy it: